Moving in Solidarity with All Our Relations
We release that which doesn’t serve us, including shame, fear, oppressive thought systems and dispiriting energies. The Wind & the Warrior let it go.
The Circle
We honor the wisdoms of circles and spirals that unify the past, present and future generations through patterns and cycles, evolutions and revolutions. The Wind & the Warrior embrace infinite movement across time and space.
We call upon that which contains and reflects all to connect us as light workers to each other and to our ancestors. The Wind & The Warrior conduct divine light.
We search for underlying meanings and hidden truths - with intelligence, intuition and spiritual discipline - to understand current realities, reject scarcity paradigms and create new possibilities. The Wind & the Warrior embody the mystic number 7.
We invite into our lives joy, play and all that is in alignment with our greatest good, our highest destiny. The Wind & the Warrior call upon the principle of pleasure.
The Wind & the Warrior are seeded by the Black Rock. We honor the shared symbols of the infinite divine among many spiritual systems. We bow to the Oneness of All and to the Creator.