• Our mission as WWILH is to share the insights and methodologies we’ve gathered in the fields of wellness, indigenous healing, creative ritual/ceremonial arts, and building transformational organizational cultures. Our priority is to share these in the form of intergenerational mentorship and comprehensive trainings in cultural arts and healing arts for Black and Native women and gender-expansive spirit healers, as well as for members of other marginalized communities.

  • We train emerging practitioners to carry the work of healing into their communities and movements, to meet the need for leadership in this area, with a unique arc of training that leads to Certification in Liberatory Healing Arts.

  • The WWILH Curriculum distills the combined 90+ years of experience of the three inaugural core faculty into two paths of study: a one-year Introductory Immersion and a three-year Certification Path. Both paths demand graduate-level rigor and dedication. The intentions described above are engaged theoretically and in praxis, through a framework that incorporates the core Black Feminist and eco-womanist principles of The Wind & The Warrior. Wind & Warrior Institute for Liberatory Healing Centers its Curriculum around the Seven Core Principles of The Wind & The Warrior. We engage in generative experiments that challenge us to witness the myriad ways these principles animate our somatic practice, our organizing play/work, and our liberatory lens.

  • Our inaugural cohort consists of seven deeply committed and visionary lineage carriers, culture bearers, and architects of transformative change within their communities of belonging. Click here to learn more about these emerging practitioners.


Seven Elemental Principles of The Wind & The Warrior

From Spirit to Practice and Beyond

We carry traditional knowledge and folkways that in our experience are among the most powerful resources to shift generational collective trauma toward the alchemy of liberation in ways sometimes inaccessible through allopathic medicine and modern psychotherapy alone (although as practitioners we utilize both ancient and modern healing modalities). Our work to educate our communities about these resources also involves decolonizing our concepts of reality and possibility themselves, as well as restoring honor to African Indigenous healing practices historically suppressed due to anti-Black capitalist oppression. Moving from the inner self to the world around us, we
[Re]member, [re]claim and honor our languages, epistemologies and practices;
De-normalize the languages and behaviors of oppressive systems; Deconstruct & divest our languages and practices from the connections/connotations with oppressive systems within us first, then our families, communities and beyond.

Liberatory Praxis

Circles & Spirals

Sacred Waters

Joy & Pleasure

The Black Rock

Divine Light

The Release

The Mystic Seven

Liberatory Praxis ∞ Circles & Spirals ∞ Sacred Waters ∞ Joy & Pleasure ∞ The Black Rock ∞ Divine Light ∞ The Release ∞ The Mystic Seven ∞

Wind & Warrior

From Spirit to Practice & Beyond

The Sacred Waters Pilgrimage of 2020 brought together Native & Black water protectors and ceremony keepers to heal our relationships with each other and with the rivers who sustain us and whose rights we work to honor.